Thursday, May 27, 2010

Watching Our Garden Grow

I got home from three days in nyc late last night and instead of doing my usual Thursday link love post today, I'm going to share some pictures from around my house. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the city (friends! family! shoes! Sex and the City 2 premiere, which you can read all about here), but it was Hot and I am thankful to be home in my quiet except-for-birds-chirping- house.

I was on watering duty this morning, so I had the chance to inspect the progress in the garden. More of the peonies have started blooming, which I am very happy not to miss. There are few things that I love more than pale pink flowers.

The plants in the raised beds are getting bigger every day and I am really excited about the prospect of going outside to pick dinner. We have two lacinato kale growing (we bought these as seedlings from the farmers market)...

A few heirloom tomato and pepper plants that seem to be doing well—the peppers look like they've grown about 3 inches since I last looked at them over the weekend. (In the background you can see our compost tumbler, which if all goes well will help us reduce the amount of trash we're curbing and give us much nutrition to put back onto our veggies).

Here are some beets, which will need to be thinned, but for now we are just loving the potential of them because there's a chance that the rabbits will get to them before we do—though we're working on a (nice) way of keeping them out of the yard.

And here's a bean (I'm not sure what kind) that I love because it grows so enthusiastically. We'll need to give this guy some support soon, but for now I am just enjoying how gangly he is. Be sure to check back tomorrow for a very lovely Inspired Image!

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