Friday, June 4, 2010

Inspired Image: Photographer Mandy Lynne

Hello, my name is Mandy Lynne

You can find me at: and

This image comes from

It inspires me because I love dreamy, light filled images and my current color fascination is yellow.

I particularly love that it embraces the carefree imagination of childhood. It captures my daughter in her element.. she seems much like a delicate butterfly herself flitting & dancing her way through her magical imagination.

It makes me feel
peaceful and happy

 The 3 words it conjures up
are.. beauty, warmth, joy,

Mandy, thank you for sharing your image this week and for starting my Friday off really well. I am now determined to get lost in a sun-filled moment just like your daughter. For those of you who haven't seen Mandy's work before, here are a few other prints available in her etsy shop that I particularly enjoy.

So with these lovely visuals, I wish you a great weekend. I for one have an edible prairie tour and barn dance in my future and I couldn't be more excited. Details Monday!

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