Friday, May 15, 2009

Inspired Image: Katie of Making This Home

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This image comes from the gravel runway where I'm going to learn to fly. My husband spent several years restoring that airplane, and he and the owner are taking it for a test flight in this picture.

It inspires me because the environment where we'll live this summer is the truest symbol of art. Nature holds so much beauty if we're willing to grasp it. I chose a picture with an airplane because mechanical devices are the last thing I'd ever call beautiful or expressions of art. But not guys like my husband. Beauty is all in how we embrace it and open our minds to how others embrace it. I'm starting to see airplanes that way, though I'll be honest... I bring a good book every time we go to an airplane or engine museum!

I particularly love the peaceful feelings this picture offers of man and nature together.

It makes me feel eager to learn to fly (my summer project!).

The 3 words it conjures up are enthusiasm, humility, respect.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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